Written and directed by Margo Gray
Playable Artworks (at the Twin Cities Horror Festival)

Your contact Alice has invited you to an urgent meeting. For weeks now you’ve been helping her investigate something distinctly unnatural, and tonight you make your move. You’ll have to decide how much of what Alice is telling you is true and who (if anyone) you should trust. Listen to messages, look for clues, and hunt down witnesses as you race against time to accomplish your goal: whether that’s carrying out Alice’s plan, or stopping her for the greater good.

Using audience interaction techniques and real-time transmedia, I placed the audience at the center of the story for this horror adventure. Divergent story lines meant the groups of audience members saw only one of three tracks, and audience decisions determined one of two possible endings. The show sold out its run at the Twin Cities Horror Festival and garnered great audience feedback.



Director: Margo Gray

Production Design: Shannon Elliot
Costume Design: Yvonne Freese
Performers:Grace Christenson, Tamara Koltes, Kyle Olson, Ally Rae, Piper Shatz-Akin.

Photos by Dan Norman Photography